
That sign is for ALL of us!!... Fucker!

I heard the angry man yell around 8:00 this morning. Our house sits at the corner of 4-way stops. Glad he was out there to give the driver a piece of our collective neighborhood mind. At our core, we sense when something is not equitable, not right. We want to speak up when someone is not abiding by the guidelines that are meant for all of us.

I saw the tweet below from Sam Shah yesterday, which I retweeted without comment after reading his post.

Nothing I could add to the tweet to make it less upsetting. I had always wanted to visit MoMath when I could make it back to New York City.

Something is not equitable, not right. I spent most of my teaching at Title 1 schools: 11 years at George Middle School in Portland, Oregon, and 17 years at Mesa Union Junior High here in the same county where I live.

Good bad and indifferent, these children are mine. When I read that MoMath treated students from Title 1 schools less favorably and dismissed the voices of those who brought this fact to light, I'm made to distrust those in power, those who can do so much more to improve our children's livelihoods, instead they further marginalize them.

@MoMath1 is responsible for making itself worthy of all our students' learning and enjoyment of mathematics. That museum is for all of us.


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